To Ινστιτούτο Πειραματικών Τεχνών συμμετέχει στο μεγαλύτερο συνέδριο για την Τέχνη και την Νυχτερινή Ζωή στην Ευρώπη με την performance / experimental lecture A Different Kiss στο KITKAT club- ένα multi media ταξίδι στην ερωτική και πολιτική βερολινέζικη ζωή του Μεσοπολέμου. Στις 29/11/2019, το διεθνές συνέδριο City After Eight μας καλεί στην πιο συναρπαστική μητρόπολη της νυχτερινής ζωής: το Βερολίνο / πληροφορίες: http://2019.stadt-nach-8.de/

An Experimental Performance Lecture Show and Party on the 1920s. Creation, Lust and Resistance in Berlin / Weimar and today’s visions in a danceable Life
FRIDAY 29 NOVEMBER 2019 at 20:00
Köpenicker Str. 76
Directed by Wolfgang Sterneck
Acting: Amy Daublebsky | Sissy Doutsiou
Visuals: Tasos Sagris
Electro Swing: Ann O

Europe’s largest nightlife conference – City After Eight – casts its shadow ahead! At the end of November, from 28th to 30th November, the internationally curated conference takes place once again in the probably most exciting and influential metropolis of the nightlife: Berlin.

Night culture is today increasingly recognized as an important leisure activity, as an urban factor of attractiveness. The focus of the nocturnal discussion will continue to be primarily on problematic situations such as nocturnal coexistence, violence and individual risk behavior, with regard to the consumption of alcohol and illegal substances or during sex. The nightlife is too often seen as a problematic urban use, from the cultural promotion aspects, from the influence of the nightlife on the satisfaction of society, is far too rarely spoken. But experience has shown that night culture is best developed when there is a broad interdisciplinary acceptance. This requires not only an integration of health & safety and urban development, but also references to the night economy and culture. We look forward to an interesting conference, a lively international exchange and controversial discussions.
The NIGHTS city after Acht – Frei (t) räume brings together actors from the fields of urban planning, prevention and harm reduction as well as culture and night economy. The contributions in the panels and expertise for the discussions are provided by international speakers, scientists, political representatives, government officials and organizers, night actors and activists. The approximately two hundred speakers from Germany and abroad present personal experiences, the latest expertise, the latest knowledge and good practice examples.
The night is not an extension of the day – it is characterized by the needs of a 24/7 society, as well as the desire for leisure time and cultural participation. Despite the increased acknowledgment, the nightlife culture is at a high risk. Www.cosmetic-business.com//showarti…p?art_id=848 Frequently Asked Questions (Substantiv, forefront of discussions revolving around nightlife, and often lead many groups and individuals to view.
But is a city and our society only liveable with subdued music and a restrictive atmosphere? The contrasting claims for a common content life seem to collide with each other more during the night. This contrast initiates the process of shaping the night in many places around the world. For this reason, the focus of our interdisciplinary exchange is to take place during the course of the NIGHTS – CITY AFTER EIGHT conference, aims at planning for nightlife and festival culture, as well as creating policies for enablement.
We are looking forward to an interesting conference, a lively international and interdisciplinary exchange, and a controversial discussion.