Financial Consequences
International Multimedia Poetry Festival
Saturday 9 February 2019
STARTS 16:00 ends 23:00
FREE entrance / doors open at 15.45
organized by +the Institute [for Experimental Arts]– Athens Greece
supported by
London School of Economics and Political Science Department of Anthropology
location of the festival:
1 Sheffield Street London WC2A 2AP

“Financial Consequences – International MultiMedia Poetry Festival” challenges the perceptions of the economic crises and providing a new point of view via a wide variety of mediums. For the last 10 years, we see entrepreneurs, economists, bankers, technocrats
The Institute for Experimental Arts was founded in 2008 in Athens- Greece as a non-profit platform of creative expression and research in the fields of theater, performance art, digital media, installation, poetry
Saturday 9 February 2019 at 16:00
Part A: Introductory Lectures – Duration 30 minutes

Lecture by the world-known professor of Anthropology David Graeber (London School of Economics) “How social and economic structure influences the Art World”

“Poetry and Revolt- Political Art in the 21st Century” Lecture by Tasos Sagris-
Tasos Sagris, known in the English speaking audience as co-editor of the book “ We are an Image from the Future- The Greek Revolt of Dec.2008” introduce us in a new way of understanding the political art in

Part B:
Video Poetry Zone
(duration 2 hours – starts at 16.30)
A compilation with the outstanding video poems from the last 7 years of International Video Poetry Festival will be screened. A unique compilation including cinematic visual art based on poetry by artists from all over the world (America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania). The programme will include the most social aware video poems among hundreds videos from the International Video Poetry archive.
The International VideohPoetry Festival is an annual festival held by the Institute for Experimental Arts in Athens, Greece over the last of years as a non-profit, free entrance event. Approximately 1200 people attend the festival every year. The International Video Poetry Festival attempts to create an open public space for the creative expression of all tendencies and streams of contemporary visual poetry. Multimedia poetry nights and video poetry shows can bring new audiences in contact with visual art and contemporary poetry, to open new creative dimensions.

UK: Maciej Piatek. Helen Dewbery. Adrian Carter UK/ISRAEL: Yael Ozsinay. Nir Philosof. Maayan Moreno Erlich. Shimi Asresay. Noa Evron. Inbal Ochyon. Valery Yuzefovic. Dekel Oved. Sivan Kotek. Dan Berger. Inbal Breda. Adva Rodan. Tal Rachmin. Talia Randall FRANCE: Eric Sarner AUSTRALIA: Maria Craven. Radheya Jegatheva. Jason Lam USA: Dave Bonta. Hieu Gray. Liza Seidenberg. Jonathan Reyes. R. A. Villanueva RUSSIA: Inga Shepeleva GERMANY: Von Kuesti Fraun. Julian Weinert SPAIN: Igor Luna PORTUGAL: Manuel Vilarinho CANADA: James Pomeroy ITALY: Francesca Bonfatti BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA: Amina Avdic ISLE OF MAN: Janet Lees TURKEY/UKRAINE: Lokal Anestezi IRAN/UK: Roxana Vilk COLOMBIA: Catalina Giraldo Velez UK/ZAMBIA: Fiona Melville
MORE INFO: find bios, videos, photos, info about the participants and general programme of VIDEO POETRY Zone HERE:

Part C- Financial Consequences –
Multimedia LIVE Performances
Duration 4 1/2 hours – starts at 18.30

Poets, musicians and visual artists create a vibrant atmosphere with multimedia poetry readings and live poetry performances. Spoken Poetry has been growing over the last years. A collection of contemporary poets from countries faced to financial crisis begin to build up an important social role in our times. Poetry communities preserve the possibility of mutual understanding by reading and performing it.

Poetry responses to

Poetry Performances Live Concerts

Sissy Doutsiou was born in Athens. She studied astrophysics at the University of Sussex in Brighton and theatre at the Drama School of Delos. She is an actress and poet. She is a founding member of the Institute of Experimental Arts and participates in Void Network. Sissy Doutsiou participated in poetry readings at the 1st Athens Biennial «Destroy Athens» (2007) She tours often for lectures, performances, video art exhibitions and poetry readings in Europe, USA, Mexico, India
Theatre Plays starring: 4.48 Psychosis (Sarah Kane), Dying as Country (D.Dimitriadis), The Maids (J.Genet), Night-Yard Gal (R.Prichard) Performances: Resistibility, Anatoli (Calcutta – India), Ectasis#1.

Adrian Fisher and Luna Montenegro are artists and poets based in London.
They work collaboratively under the collective names montenegrofisher and mmmmm, making performance, text, film, installation and sound.Their artist collective is a fluid space of collaboration, research and experimentation referring to context, the visceral and the poetic.They work within the fields of visual and sonic arts.
They have shown their work extensively in the UK, Europe and South America, in a variety of contexts: museums, art galleries, residencies, public spaces, film festivals, sound and poetry events, internet and radio.
Collective and individual works have been published by, Errant Bodies Berlin, Intuitive Projects Press, Poetry Wales, Word For/ Word, Recrea Libros, Alba Berlin, datableed, Crater Press, Writers Forum Chile, Tonic, Droste Effect, among other poetry and art journals. They have been members of the London Biennale with David Medalla, The Writers Forum with Bob Cobbing and were two of the founders of the infamous bobs cabaret. They run a small press, ‘One Night Stanza’.
They have made over 10 films with the collective mmmmmfilms and were selected for the best of Zebra, Berlin Poetry Film Festival, Doctorclip, Rome, International Video Poetry Film Festival in Athens and Juteback in the US.


Tasos Sagris is a poet, theater director and activist born in Athens in 1972. In 1990 he co-created the international anarchist cultural group Void Network and at 2008 the Institute for Experimental Arts- a contemporary theater group for research, performance and cultural education. He tours often in Europe, Asia, Mexico and USA for talks,
Tasos Sagris was poet and frontman of the Greek music band Horror Vacui during the 90s and from early 90s until today he presents poetry events –
About Human Love at Western Metropolitan Cities (poetry, Greece 2008)
We Are An Image From The Future -the Greek Revolt of December 2008 (co-editor / AK Press USA 2010)
Phenomenology of The Guillotine (p
From Democracy to Freedom (co-editor / Crimethinc USA 2018)
Horror Vacui- Pothos/ Desire- a Trilogy about an Angel (1994)
Tasos Sagris+Whodoes- Phenomenology of the Guillotine (2019)
The Maids by Jean Genet (2008-2009)
Dying As Country by Dimitris Dimitriadis (2010-2011)
4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane (2012-2015)
Yard Gal (Night!) by Rebecca Prichard (2017-2018)


Lucia Sellars is a poet, an environmental scientist and a quiet observer. She currently lives in the UK, arriving from New Zealand, Chile, Peru and Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia. She published a pamphlet at 18, after winning the Premio Joven Contest in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. She has also published in small magazines such as The Response (Fabrica Art Gallery – Brighton), Cronopis (Barcelona) and Alba (London). She started to perform in Oxford in 2014 at The Catweazle, and was part of Poetry Can F* Off, by Heathcote Williams in 2015. Her video-poems have been projected at the Athens International Video Poetry Festival 2016. She writes in both English and Spanish.

Ulli Freer lives and works in London, and has been active over a number of decades. He is a member of the Veer editorial collective. His work has been published in several magazines including And, Curtains, Cleave2, Datableed, Vlak etc. His publications include Blvds (Equipage, Cambs.1994), Sandpoles (Equipage, Cambs.1992), Eye line (Spanner, Hereford i996),
(Veer Books, London 2018).
You can read Robert Sheppard’s article, “Adhesive Hymns: Creative Linkage in the Recent Work of Ulli Freer”, in Issue # 9 of Jacket.

Poppy Delta is an underground poet from Athens born in 1983. She studied English Literature and Poetry. Her poetry is a dark and passionate narration of everyday life experiences of lower-class people in contemporary Athens, a howl for emancipation and self-determination in a social environment characterized by apathy and indifference. Her astonishing live performances include musicians from the

Justin Katko is from Kentucky and works as a debt advisor in London. His is the author of several books of poetry, has published the work of many others, and is a co-editor of two major collections of the poetry of Edward Dorn. (Photo by Kevin Killian)

Larry Cool has never been born. Such a person doesn’t exist anytime and anywhere

Gizem Okulu is a poet who lives in London. Her work has appeared in Intercapillary Space, Botch, Paradise Now, Infinite Editions, Erotoplasty and the anthologies From London Out (Free Poetry, 2017) and Wretched Strangers (Boiler House Press, 2018). She is the author of Too Sliced For Landing (Materials, 2017) and Master Island (Tipped Press, 2018), and co-edits the poetry magazine Splinter.

Robert Kiely is an Irish writer and poet from Co. Cork, currently living in London. He is the author of How to Read (Crater Press), Killing the Cop in Your Head (Sad Press), and Fionn (Contraband Books).
The Poetry of Arab Spring

ELISAVET TAPINI reads poems from a series of revolutionary, social uprisings that enveloped after 2010 in several Arab countries, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt

Elisavet Tapini is a practitioner psychologist, lecturer and social science researcher. She has been active in grassroots community work for a number of years, working as a facilitator in group communications. She is currently completing a PhD in Sociology, at Middlesex University with a focus on the everyday socialities of skilled migrants in London.
Elisavet Tapini reads :

Letters from the Prison Ward, 1967 (excerpt) by Ahmed Fouad Negm

Ahmed Fouad Negm (Photo: © Ahmed Manawishi)
Known as the “poet of the people”, Negm’s use of colloquial Egyptian Arabic endeared him to his countrymen, who saw in his verse an unvarnished reflection of how they felt about milestones in their nation’s history such as the humiliating defeat at the hands of Israel in 1967, the 1979 peace treaty with Israel and the authoritarian rule of Hosni Mubarak.
Negm shot to fame in the 1970s when his poetry was sung by the musician Sheikh Imam Issa. The duo, who mostly performed in popular coffee houses and to university students, inspired generations of youth hoping for change. He was a supporter of the 2011 uprising that toppled the Mubarak regime. A self-proclaimed secularist, Negm was a critic of Islamists. His poetry communicated both a love for his country and scathing criticism of its ills.
Look at me by Nahida Izzat Nahida

Izzat is a Jerusalem-born Palestinian refugee who has lived in exile for over forty years, after being forced to leave her homeland at the age of seven during the six-day war of 1967. She is a mathematician by profession, but art is one of her favorite pastimes. She loves hand-made things and so makes dolls, cards, and most of her own clothes. She also writes poetry and participates in dialogues with known and unknown friends, as she believes communication is the first step toward understanding. She believes in building bridges, not walls. She started writing around three years ago when her friends insisted she should write about her memories, experiences and feelings as a Palestinian. When she did it all came out sounding—she was told—like poetry! So she self-published two books: I Believe in Miracles and Palestine, The True Story.
The Deluge and the Tree by Fadwa Tuqan

Tuqan is widely considered a symbol of the Palestinian cause and “one of the most distinguished figures of modern Arabic literature”. Born in Nablus, she received schooling until age 13 when she was forced to quit school at a young age due to illness. One of her brothers, Ibrahim Tuqan, known as the Poet of Palestine, took responsibility of educating her, gave her books to read and taught her English. Tuqan eventually attended Oxford University, where she studied English and literature.[2] Tuqan died on December 12, 2003 during the height of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, while her hometown of Nablus was under siege.
Financial Consequences
International Multimedia Poetry Festival
Saturday 9 February 2019
STARTS 16:00 ends 23:00
FREE entrance / doors open at 15.45
organized by
+the Institute [for Experimental Arts]– Athens Greece
supported by
London School of Economics and Political Science Department of Anthropology
location of the festival:
LSE Saw Swee Hock Centre
1 Sheffield Street
London WC2A 2AP