Poetics and politics as the fourth exploration of the collective project ‘love & politics’ in Athens will be realized in two days of talks, poetic interventions and performances by the participants of the collective book and special guests!
Iove & politics Athens #4: poetics and politics at Chaosmos_/ 79Au
Artspace in Exarcheia, Athens
Koletti 40-42, 5th floor __free entrance__
Friday 5 April 2019 at 18:00
“Last Lacan: Politics and Poetics of Association“: talk by the professor of performance studies and aesthetics Soumyabrata Choudhury | http://freigeist-verlag.net/en/soumyabrata-choudhury/
“From Painting to Life“: performance by the artist Ioana Niculescu-Aron | https://ioanaaron.ro/
“convex in the hollow“: interactive calligraphy performance by the artists Sugano
Saturday 6 April 2019 at 18:00
“Make Love Not Art“: discussion with the philosopher/artist Anna Luňáková and the writer/artist Ondrej
Poetic intervention by the poet Medha Singh
“From Painting to Life“: performance by the artist Ioana Niculescu-Aron | https://ioanaaron.ro/
“convex in the hollow“: interactive calligraphy performance followed by tea ceremony by the artists Sugano Matsukaki and Katerina Rotoli | http://www.giannopouloukaterina.org
“until grandpa becomes a god“: film by Sugano Matsukaki accompanied by a conversation-salon with the artist on love, death and the people left behind
Sugano Matsusaki was born in Okinawa, Japan. She studied at Keio University, Sociology and anthropology. Her research was about the relation of the erasure of shamanistic knowledge and the transformation of gender roles in traditional family structures in rural Japan. She used mixed media to reveal the suppressed facts of the society in order to make these available again.
Since 2016 she studies Fine Arts at the University of the Arts in Berlin. Her works are basically mixed media and performance. Her works focus on the connection of identity and language and the perception between fiction/dream and reality.
Anna Luňáková – graduate of philosophy and studied Faculty of Law in Prague, currently finalizing her studies of authorial acting in Prague by thesis on term of mimesis from the phenomenological point of view based on observation of ways we tend to think about theatre.
Ondrej Macl – graduate of social work, journalism and comparative literature in Czech universities. He is the author of diploma thesis on variances of Eros in the history of European literature, followed by experimental book “I Love My Granny More Than Young Women” (2017) and collection of poems “What You Were Born For” (2018). He is currently finalizing his studies of authorial acting in Prague by thesis on erotic aspect of acting.